Saturday, February 4, 2012

What is Heavenly Eggs all about?!

Hi, my name is Matt Walker, my sister and I have begun
this small business to raise money for college and maybe spend a little.

The cost of these healthy and delicious eggs are $3.00 a dozen.

Oh, and guess what?!
They can be delivered
from our farm in Newark Vermont to your door
for only a dollar extra.
We can only deliver locally for now;
sorry, but it's my Dad's truck and I can't drive yet!

So if you want healthy farm fresh eggs to purchase here or have delivered, call us at
802 467-9060 and ask for Heavenly Eggs, or email my Dad at:

Here are some pictures of the chickens that could be laying your eggs!

They are Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds

It all started here last spring! When the chicks arrived and moved into our house!

We played nice music for them and talked to them every day and they kept growing!

Now they live in their own coop with lots of fresh hay, heat and sun on our farm.

It's just a perfect place for these chickens to roams through gardens and orchards eating healthy and growing fat so they can make delicious eggs!

So hurry and start your orders coming in,
Heavenly Eggs,

so good Angels would eat them!

Gurly wants you to know these chickens are well protected and lovingly cared for, and if you want duck eggs, we got those too!

Heavenly Eggs, so good they will make you a believer!
